Friday, December 5, 2014


To all men who ARE excited to the news that their love of their life has missed a period and a doctor says SO.When this was said to me when Hendrina and I were expecting Amina Nadia aka Nanana our first born it was easy she used to wakeup up early and nothing really changed.Very hardworking girl,kept her head high and I wondered if the doctor was right on this one.

All changed on our second pregnancy.The coming of Raiff Mzati aka BIGBIGBOY was strange. Nagging and swearing on absolutely trivialities. Then she became a glutton I have never seen.The elders were warning us that it was a boy coming. I  drank to that statement not because I wanted a boychild than a girl  ah ayi,the fact was now I was to raise kids of two types of gender in one house.I had no experience yet I was very ready to sing lullabys probably in that different tone indeed ;bass(It is thought that tone is masculine)

Over the past five years I was a self styled expert in girlchild issues including the fashion. Looking at Nadia Amina herself she was uinquistive to know why her moms womb was getting bigger that usual. She could stand after a dinner and throw some nasty jokes on her moms protruding belly,”after eating am gonna be like mommy!”.To put this nosense to a stop I hand to do what most African men cannot do.I told her that mommy is carrying another baby.She was excited and was helpful indeed.Instead of climbing mommy on the lap she was so careful incase she can hurt the baby inside.It was so beautiful to see the bond she had with her mommy.We were all expecting.She understood why new little clothes were among the monthly incidentals and grossaries.Instead of clothing Lollipop(a big teddybear she plays with ) we saw them being fold neatly and put on the babycot.

To all men I say;be patient enough to toleralate loads of nosense because this time around she s not alone.I laughed one night I was sent to make a good tea with lots of milk.I through my apron over my shoulders but by the time I balanced my tray to the bedroom to wakeup mayi nkulu she was already waving me back , signaling that the crave for tea is history.This time something new was on demand from this out of blue menu we had.”Go and get apaw-paw!”,she said…….with a cup of cold water……and  some bread …..a thousand items were mentioned to me and  I looked at myself with only two hands and walking on very tired legs.

All I am  saying is you should be patient like a waiter and knowledgeable of food on demand.It can not be many but  from the first trimester you memorise the regular items being asked for, this prepares you not to firefight.Patience,patience,patience and only patience in this nine months
Iam a proud father and hubby for now as we raise the two beautiful people of our life.Life is beautiful!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


In Malawi and other African countries death is not westernized interms of ceremony. There is no such thing as celebration of life really.Death is the cruel beast that takes the life of a loved one.In this regards talking about food is some form of a taboo when death has just reared its ugly head.

In Africa attending funerals is never by invitation.It feels right to do so ,we call it kuwonekera(to be seen that you are with them as they mourn)Actually it has become a norm to show up just for minutes.All you do is you make your way into the mourning crowed and sorrowfully cringe your head as you greet the mourners.You console them and past the maize garden you sneak into your car and leave to continue a report you left at work or probably show up on a date with a mistress if you are taken.God knows its rear to think about food in an official setup because such arrangement are ignored and yet even mourners have to eat,life must go on.

Funeral planning process seems unAfrican but death happens anyway.It should be understood that while it is African to mourn together the attitude of people in this global village has also changed.People are becoming cleverer everyday. Some have expressed sentiments of shortages of food when they attended one funeral of a long distance relation.”I am hungry I wish I stayed put in my house.,I would have had my buffet comfortably” So one can not deny the fact that  apart from  emotional stress, financial decision making and uncertainty surrounding this beast called death availability of food is inevitable.  Funeral life planning may be the way to go but here in Malawi  we are keeping our fingers crossed as to  when that service will heat the market.

It is important that Catering solutions must solve the current puzzle by introducing fare packages that dignifies the departed with all the necessary items when it comes to food.Iam not talking about a three course meal no no.Sit down with the family and have a well thought out catering plan that considers the period that they are in.Until such a time insurance companies or other organizations comes up with the whole package,Catering for food should be business opportunity we are all missing out here at home.In the 90s we used to cringe away when we looked at coffins at market place.It was a taboo.This time we are used and loath no more the fact that to bury our loved one in peace and dignity with aready coffin is better that spend the whole day waiting for a carpenter come up with a well designed coffin.

It is not fair to only show a Mfumu and his ndunas, political party representative and/or Religious leaders to the dinning table  and leave the rest yawn to death with hunger.Group them in 5,10,15 just like our forefathers used to do.
Funeral reception catering services may include simple coffee, punch and cookies a light lunch or finger food for a stand up reception or buffet meals. Whatever the choice might be its still money to the business.