Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A tour is a form of travel from palace to place with multiple features which can be sold to a client as a single unit.The people who participate in these activies are called tourists .They can be locals or domestic.

The history of tour dates back to 1840 with the enthusiasm of Thomas Cook to vist palces with his son.The begging was awesome because the tour registered 23 million aannually
Tour itself as it is packaged into four:custom designed tours and packaged tours with the later having hosted tours,escorted and independent tours
Custom designed tour operator organizes with clients in collaboration to take total control of the tour.Mostly such clients have the knowledge of the proposed destination .This is expensive to organize.A client goes alone after all arrangements making the choice of almost everything.

Prepackaged tour:
is prepared in the absence of the client on its list independent tour is amongst them those tourists who would like to have an even high degree of the tour they go all the way in family groups and it was popular in the 1960s where it was called Foreign independent tours because it was mostly associated with foreigners.The package includes transport ,accommodation and a well articulated itenerery.On transport the emphasis is on the mode of transport.Accommodation contract is in the hands of the operator who books the supplier ie the hotel however the taste of the guest is considered on the type and comfort of the room.Itenerery the component includes distance,time activities and type of meals mostly full board is advisable to ease the hussle in the middle of the tour.

Hosted tour:
tourists are oriented at gateway and may accompany one host who feeds them with a significant imformation of palces or whole tour it can be described as having single assistance.because they are left to go in shuttle unless they want clarity from host.The details may be given by the step in guider
Lastly within the prepackaged tours there are escorted tours ,this depends on the accompanying of professional escort

This has in it what is called the multiple destination because apart from what the package spells there are multiple destination because they are given the freedom to stop at any place they feel like spending sometime along the way.

to be continued:.....

1 comment:

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